
Research Support Facilities

EMRGE offers various facilities to support their research.

Machine Shop

Machine Shop

EMRGE's Machine Shop supports the center's research mission by providing expertise in mechanical and design and fabrication.

Rock Testing Lab

Rock Testing Lab

  1. Rock Preparation and Testing.
  2. Aggregate Preparation and Testing.

Energetics Research Facility

Engineering research facility with large cylindrical equipment inside an industrial workspace

S&T ERF building was built fall 2016. The building is dedicated to explosives research, training and education. This state-of-the-art facility provides a venue for corporate, government and educational research that allows the customer to receive quality data while giving the students and faculty the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge experiments. The ERF is operated under the guidance of Dr. Catherine Johnson.

EMRGE is associated with the Explosives Engineering department on Campus. The Energetics Building is located directly behind the Rock Mechanics building.


for more information Contact Dr. Catheirne Johnson

Space Resources Laboratory

Dr. Gertsch

The mission of the Space Resources Laboratory is technology research and development for sustainable extraction of natural resources from extra-terrestrial bodies, starting with the Moon, Mars, asteroids, and comets. Eventually this will come to include the full range of bodies in the Solar System, and gaseous as well as solid resources.

Regolith excavation, handling, and compaction are fundamental capabilities for expanding human operations into space, just as dirt-moving is a fundamental capability of civilization on Earth. It is also a integral part of mining. Regolith studies at the Laboratory are complemented by development of mining methods specifically for autonomous and semi-autonomous technologies.

For further information contact Dr. Leslie Gertsch.

High Pressure Waterjet Laboratory


Founded in 1984, RMERC's High Pressure Waterjet Laboratory has built an international reputation in the area of high-pressure waterjet applications.

State-of-the-art equipment provides support for studying special needs of manufacturing, mineral processing, nano-size materials, military, and environmental industries. These include, but are not limited to, high-precision waterjet cutting, depth-cut control, surface preparation of many kinds and materials, accelerated excavation, comminution, multi-axis milling in mining and manufacturing, erosion prevention, as well as fundamental studies of two- and three-phase flow, the mechanics of fluid jet generation, high speed phenomena, and the physics of fluid impact.

Rock Saw Laboratory

 Rock Saw

Rock coring and sample preparation.